Sunday, May 8, 2011

CIMB Thrill Hunt 2011

My first ever treasure hunt.. Excited..~~ In a team with Yvonne, Jane and Boon Wai, up against people who had years of experience in this and probably way smarter than I am.. Gosh~~ Stress.. But then the main objective today is not win, but to do our best and have fun in the same time. No stress. Yvonne, Boon Wai and me all had a common objective, "Not to disappoint Jane." ^^

We drove to registration together, we were not early nor were we late. Gosh.. What a way to kick start the hunt. As we arrive at the venue, we could see a huge sea of people in red (the official t-shirt for the hunt is red), impressive sight early in the morning. At registration, there was a long queue of people, we had no idea why were they in queue but soon we realise, it's for breakfast. Well, we are typical Malaysians, we do have a lot of meals in a day and nothing is more important than breakfast.

For our team, we were prepared for the hunt, I guess. Jane brought dictionaries and thesaurus, and we had two iPhones with broadband, fully charged with car charger. Yup.. so I guess we are well prepared for amateurs right?

First challenge was that we have to guess 10 Michael Jackson songs, short clips of them were played. Surprisingly, we knew most of them. WoHoo.. Go people..~~ We flagged off at 8.19am, heading to Gombak toll. We were required to get two cans of Cokes, no idea why, we just followed instructions. Having Boon Wai driving us safely, and Yvonne navigating, Jane and me looking through the questions and clues, cracking our heads out. We were so busy looking through dictionary and google-ing(only GPRS was available in some part of the road). Challenge 2, gosh~~ Two of us were required to finish a can of Coke that we bought, flatten it and throw it into a pail within 45 seconds. Sounds easy right? Wrong...!!! Coke is a carbonated drink=gas. Had to force it in with all the gas in it.. And yes we did burp-ed like WOW~~ After the drink, there is an uneasy sensation in the tummy.. Dislike~

The clues was hard at the beginning as we still had no much idea on how the hunt works, but as it goes along, we slowly got our senses out on how does it actually work. Rearranging words, finding signboards which fits the clues in a weird manner, mastering the art of missing English and Malay, trying our luck in guessing, practicing the so call "Follow your heart (instincts)". Hahaha.. we had so much fun guessing the answers. Some of them seriously cracked our heads out. We did work ourselves out in this game, we got down from the car, walked around the area looking for signboards which we may had missed. The weather was burning and we approximately walked at least 2km.

Later that night, the answer were revealed. We did get most of the answers right, and of course with mistakes here and there. Although we did not win anything, I am very happy with our performance and we did had loads of fun today, walking under the afternoon sun. ^^''

On Sunday, we went makan makan trip on our way back. Our first stop was at Restoran Yik Kee in Karak. What's famous here is their pastry, especially the ones using durian. Yum~~ They had different type of tarts, egg tarts, pandan tarts, durian tarts.. And one of my favourite pastry they had was durian pancake, mouth watering~ They are also famous for their kaya Swiss roll, another thumbs up.
Next stop, after having durian at a random stall by the roadside, we went to Kow Po in Bendong for dessert. This place is famous for their ice cream, again durian ice cream. Nice place to have dessert with the weather burning. We tried durian ABC, superb.

I think it's hard not to notice that we are going for durian tarts, durians, and durian ice cream.. Ya.. We are craving for durian, or at least I am craving for durians. It's almost the end of durian season and I had not had any durian at all. In fact, it had been years since I last ate durian, so please do understand why am I craving for it. ^^''

Looking forward in joining the next Treasure Hunt to come, as this one was so much fun~~

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