Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Christine's Diploma Finale

Congratulations to my beloved sister for completing her diploma. After three years of torture, you hardwork had paid off.

I enjoyed a lot during her finale. Everything was splendid and perfect. The lightings, the setting of the stage, the music and of course the dancers. The dancers were awesome, you can tell that with this sort of performance, how much sweat and tears were shedded. May the performance be a short five minutes on stage, but imagine how much effort was put into it to result in the performance you see under the spot lights.

At the opening of PETA performance, my sister started the show with tradisional indian dance.

Followed by a few dance other tradisional dance which costumes are fabulous.

Then we had the Iban tradisional dance.

And also Inai.

This dance requires dancers to dance using glass plates. The trick here is that you have to be able to balance the plate and dance at the same time.

Then we have the chinese dance.

This piece was incredible. Contemporary Indian dance. The lighting used are superb and the moves were breathe taking.

The show ended with a piece call Butterflies, its a beautiful and colourful piece, perfect for an ending.

Bravo for the good show. It was certainly enjoyable and I loved it very very much.

All the best in your future sis, I'm sure you will achieve your dreams, I have confident in you.

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