Thursday, December 5, 2013

Application of Single Status Certificate

I'm about to get married January next year in Taiwan, yes, my future husband is a Taiwanese, and yes, I will be living there, will save that for the next blog.

So, one of the document required for my registration of marriage in Taiwan is the Single Status Certificate from Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN), Malaysia. For this, I went to JPN in Putrajaya.

Things to prepare for the application of the Single Status Certificate.

1. If you are doing this personally at Putrajaya (which is what I did), all you need to prepare is your IC, detail information of your spouse, which includes his/her name and passport number, and you will be good to go.

2. However, if you are planning to pass this over to someone else to help you prepare this, you may need to refer to their website for more information.
and click on the Single Status tab.

First, I walked in to the counter requesting for the form. From the website, it states that we are required to prepare a letter stating the purpose of this application, and also a Statutory Declaration. Don't worry, there are templates of these document prepared by the department which comes along with the form.

The letter is a simple letter where you will have to fill in your name and details, stating that you are applying this certificate for marriage oversea. As for the Statutory Declaration, after filling up the template, you will have to go to a Commissioner of Oath, which they have one in the building. Just go to the office and get the commissioner to sign this paper and you will be good to go. This cost me RM4, and it took less than 5 minutes to process.

Then with this letter stating your purpose of application, the Statutory Declaration and the form all filled up, all there is to be done is submit them and pay up RM5. The certificate will be ready within 10 minutes. As mentioned earlier that you will need some details of your future foreign spouse, like name and ID/passport number. They will state in the certificate that this certificate is applied to be used for the marriage with your spouse from which country, with the ID/passport number as given, so make sure you have the correct details.

I am indeed impressed with how fast this whole process can be, although there are some waiting and some running up and down, all in all, it's all pretty good.

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