Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Christine's Diploma Finale

Congratulations to my beloved sister for completing her diploma. After three years of torture, you hardwork had paid off.

I enjoyed a lot during her finale. Everything was splendid and perfect. The lightings, the setting of the stage, the music and of course the dancers. The dancers were awesome, you can tell that with this sort of performance, how much sweat and tears were shedded. May the performance be a short five minutes on stage, but imagine how much effort was put into it to result in the performance you see under the spot lights.

At the opening of PETA performance, my sister started the show with tradisional indian dance.

Followed by a few dance other tradisional dance which costumes are fabulous.

Then we had the Iban tradisional dance.

And also Inai.

This dance requires dancers to dance using glass plates. The trick here is that you have to be able to balance the plate and dance at the same time.

Then we have the chinese dance.

This piece was incredible. Contemporary Indian dance. The lighting used are superb and the moves were breathe taking.

The show ended with a piece call Butterflies, its a beautiful and colourful piece, perfect for an ending.

Bravo for the good show. It was certainly enjoyable and I loved it very very much.

All the best in your future sis, I'm sure you will achieve your dreams, I have confident in you.

My Nikon P300

I remembered that day well.

I was about to head to Pulau Redang with my boyfriend and I just could not leave without bringing a camera there. With myself who just completed my degree's final exam, obviously I was not working at all. I had some savings after working at Chili's Grill Bar and I had decided to spend my whole life savings on a camera.

I went to this old authentic camera shop at my hometown, surprising to know that although it is an old fashion kind of shop, they have a lot of new cameras on display.

Looking around the cameras, comparing one after another for their features, design and price most importantly (I'm working on a budget you see), one particular camera cuaght my eye, Olympus μ Tough-6000. It's water resistant, shock resistant and from the name, it's tough.

So I had got myself my very first own camera. It was with me to almost everywhere. Pulau Redang, Phuket, Bangkok, Korea, Sabah, Alor Setar, the 21 Day Trip in Taiwan, Portugal, London.. It had been with me through all these places and captured beautiful smiles and memories of the trip.

As usual, on my Krabi trip, I brought my camera along as well. It being water resistant, I would had brought it along for swimming and island hopping. However, for some reason, my water resistant camera is no longer water resistant. Gosh.. I crushed my heart so much that my camera was not working during the whole trip. Depression and disappointment had hold of me. But then hey.. I'm in Krabi.. And I still have my iPhone with me. So eventually I did had a memorable trip in Krabi.

Having my Olympus μ Tough-6000 not functional anymore, I had to go for a different camera.

So I'm off for a camera shopping trip. I was hoping to get Linus LX5 or maybe Canon S95. There was this salesperson at a camera shop sharing with me his personal experience of using Linus LX5 which he found it quite disappointing, and he convinced me that Nikon P300 would be a better model for me. Me, a person who have minimal knowledge in cameras and photography, was instantly thankful that I brought a IT friend along. Well, at least he should be a bit more knowledgable than me right?? ^^''

After a long comparison of pictures taken by these three cameras, indeed, Nikon P300 did performed better than the others in some aspects and it's for a cheaper price. It's not that hard to argue which model to get when the performance are rather the same right? ^^''

I have no regrets getting Nikon P300, it's performance was far better than what I expected it to be. I was at awe when I found that it has panaroma features in it, I fell I love with my Nikon P300 and Olympus μ Tough-6000, thank you for being there for me and you will always be in my memories.

A Full Day of Fellowship and Professional Development

Waking up that Saturday morning, feeling damn good. Knowing in mind that today will definitely be a good day. Why? Cause I had a full day of activities with my fellow rotaractors.. Wohoo~~

First stop, we gathered at Atrium, our usual meeting venue. The whole morning did not started the way it should, there were people late, people with a lost car plate, people who end up circling around the golden triangle of Kuala Lumpur. Eventually we all made it to Levain Boulangarie for brunch. Phew..

Ahhh.. Levain.. A place with a bit of European authentic bakery sort of touch. Stepping in here makes you feel like slowing down your foot steps then breathe in the scent of good pastries surrounding you. MmmMmmm... Definitely a nice place to chill and relax.

So we got our brunch, a bit too much for ourselves. Hahahaha.. What can you do? Everything looks great, you will just have the urge to take everything you see.

After having satisfying brunch at Levain, here comes the highlight of the day, Cosmo World Theme Park in Berjaya Time Square. Excited..!! It's been awhile seen my last visit to a theme park. Hmm.. (Trying to recall the last time) Should be Taiwan, Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village (九族文化村) . Awesome place to visit. Back to Cosmo World..

We were so energetic after the meal, we went on most of the rides, well, we manage to go on most of the rides because there was no crowd. (^.^) Had alot of fun, until I was "forced" to go on this 360 degree turning ride. OMG...!! I still could not believe I did it. Petrified to the extended that I think I was not breathing at all. James just had to make the whole experience much more fun by informing me "Hey, the ride is almost done.. Now they switch its direction.." God.. I felt like the longest minutes of my life. I think I could barely feel my legs when I got down, hands were cold. Nevertheless, it was fun and exciting, but I will not go on it again...!!! Please....~

Fuh.. After a fun day at Cosmo World, we head to Desire at Asian Heritage Row for a Professional Development session. Yes, for PD..!! Not Fellowship session, just yet.. (^^'').

So what we got to do is that we were in the club during their pre-opening hour, that mean you will be able to see people preparing stuff for the night, the music is not on yet, the whole place is bright like daylight. Nothing like the usual operating club. We met up with Adrian, a friend of Sanjeev, he brought us to the DJ console and showed us how things work. Trying to concentrate after a tiring day is hardwork, especially when he come out with words like eight bar, beats.. Wow.. Ok.. I need to slap myself on the face then. We got to play around with the console, spinning like no ones business (hey, there was no one around..).

After "destroying" the DJ console, up next is the bar. We met the bartender, Ajit, there, he was practising his mixing and juggling skills. He prepared a few drinks for us and served them in shot glasses. Hey, they are shot glasses so it is meant to be finished in a shot. Forgeting that it is alcohol that we are drinking and with the shots kept coming in, we just drink and drink and drink.

After the visit there, on the car I actually felt dizzy. Wow.. Should not had taken that much of it. But then the visit there was fun.

After dinner, we head back to Desire for the real thing. Nice place to dance and have a great time with friends.

It was a tiring day, but it's worth it in exchange of all the laughters we had together.

Sunday, May 29, 2011







Thursday, May 26, 2011

Traveling Around the World - Krabi

With AirAsia, everyone can fly. ^^

Bought my flights tickets a year ago to Krabi, was thinking back then 'Wow.. One more year?! That's so long.' Well, it's time already and I was so excited.

Krabi, a nice place to relax and chill. Met up with my Thai friends there, missed them so much, I think the last time I met them was two years back when I was in Bangkok. Gosh.. Time does fly..

We were suppose to stay in Sherathon, but.. there were some complication and we stayed in Success Beach Resort, owned by a family friend of my Thai friends, Pipe and Pope, twins. ^^

It was an awesome hotel, the swimming pool is so beautiful that it makes you feel like jumping in and stay there. The breakfast, wow.. All I remember was the buffet line filled with so much delicious food waiting for me.. MMmmmmMMmmm...

Of course, even if the hotel is that fantastic, we did went out of it. We went to the beach, breathe taking view. Ao Nang beach seems so calm and chill at low season, that's what I love about it, no crowd.

We went island hopping in long tail boats, new experience as usually we will go on speed boats.

We went to Hong Island, a new island which was not touched too much just yet, it's a small piece of heaven on earth to me. The first step on to the beach made me felt madly in love with the island. The beach is so soft and the water was so cooling, and the view is to die for. I sure wish I could stay here and to have a view like this every morning I wake up. We did snorkelling and kayaking around the island, it was just too much fun and too much sun for Pope and Wat. ^^''

Ahh.. The sunset at Ao Nang beach. Had dinner at a restaurant by the beach with this view, what a nice way to end the day. The four days there we had so much delicious food for breakfast till dinner. I seriously can't remember all the name of the food in Thai, yet I manage to remember one, "Penang Kai", some chicken cooked with coconut and spicy, mouth watering.

We went to a hot spring waterfall. Nice little place to relax and rejuvenate your skin after being in the sun. The temperature of the water is just nice, not too warm yet not too cold. I could had fell asleep there.

On the last day we went for dim sum for breakfast, adorable way to display dim sum, very different compared back home.

Managed to understand a bit more on Thai culture. Thai people are mostly Buddhist and they are very passionate with their religion. In this trip, my friend brought us to two temples, and they will pray in each of them. We went to the local market to get flowers and vegetarian food before heading to the temple. This are meant to be offering to the monks. We followed the monks as we said our prayers (obviously I did not, the prayers were all in Thai).

I manage to learn a bit of Thai, I can count from one to ten, maybe even up to hundred as the structure is similar with Mandarin. Thai people are just so creative in naming things. For example, aloe vera in Thai is crocodile tail if we were to make a direct translation.

Thai like using 5555++ (=hahahaha..), as five in Thai is pronounced as ha. ^^

I enjoyed so much during this trip that I felt so reluctant to come back for work. Gosh.. A place which I would plan to visit again.

Krabi trip, the mark of the beginning of my trips to come in 2011, a lot more to come this year, looking forward. ^^

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day Trip to Melaka

It was a random decision on Saturday. "Kidnapped" by dear Yvonne back to Seremban, brought her to Orang Asli style dinner and we just chilled back home. Yup.. We did not went out for yam cha session or anything. Just chilled at home with my snowball running around, cause we have to save up our energy for Sunday -- Melaka.

We had chicken rice ball from Huang Chang, it was good, not to say excellent, but I would prefer the one at the end of Jonker Street, Chong Hua. The place was pack, but lucky us, we got a table after a short wait. ^^

After lunch, we took a walk at Jonker. Yes.. After lunch, with the hot sun and all. End up we can't take it anymore, we bunk into Jonker88 and had ice kacang.. Yum~~

After Jonker Street, we walked to Dataran Pahlawan (yes.. with the hot sun turned on), having the mentality that we ate too much and some exercise should do us more good. The walk seemed so long and tiring. Yet, we still made it through. Enjoying the air condition there, did alot of window shopping. Wanted to go to Nadeje at Dataran Pahlawan but the queue was horrible. Hence we decided to visit the other outlet. Hence, the walking trip back to the car.

Nadeje serves one of the best layer cake, yum yum~~ There are many different flavor available but while stocks last. When we got there, selections was minimal. We had got Chocolate Banana, Coffee and Original flavor.
After dessert, we went hanging around at Portugese Settlement, enjoyed the sun and heat again~ ^^'' Well after sweating ourselves out, we went to have a taste of Pineapple Satay. Hmm.. Not to stay extremely delicious, but it's different. There is no peanuts in the satay sauce, instead there are pineapple juice in it. Quite a unique mixture of taste.

The eating do not stop here. We continued on for dinner, Satay Celup, at Ban Lee Heong. Wahahaha.. We ate and ate and ate..

Trip to Melaka is more on the food rather than the place itself. Heading back home with a full tummy surely do feel good. ^^Y