As I am about to get married to my future Taiwanese husband, I am hoping to stay there in Taiwan with my husband. I am planning to get the Joining Family Residence Visa (JFRV) for me to stay and work in Taiwan. This visa requires me to be married with a Taiwanese, which I will be soon. There is one document which they require, the Certificate of Good Conduct.
I had applied mine via online through the department's website. It requires a password which you have to register for it. After registering, you may login and click on Application of Certificate of Good Conduct. Read through the article and after understanding, you may start to fill in the form. One thing that you will need to prepare, they requires you to attach along a passport photo, so just make sure you have a digital copy.
After filling in everything and submitting the form, you will be able to check on the status of your application. Although they state that they will require 1-2 months to complete the application, mine was ready to be collected within one week, very impressive. But then, do note that, they will not notify you, well, I was not notified in any way. I only got to know mine was ready because I was anxious, so it's better that you check the status of your application from time to time.
To collect the certificate, you have to go to Ministry of Foreign Affair in Putrajaya. The collection is quite straight forward, get a number, wait for your turn and pay RM20 for it, and it's done. Nice and simple.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Application of Single Status Certificate
I'm about to get married January next year in Taiwan, yes, my future husband is a Taiwanese, and yes, I will be living there, will save that for the next blog.
So, one of the document required for my registration of marriage in Taiwan is the Single Status Certificate from Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN), Malaysia. For this, I went to JPN in Putrajaya.
Things to prepare for the application of the Single Status Certificate.
1. If you are doing this personally at Putrajaya (which is what I did), all you need to prepare is your IC, detail information of your spouse, which includes his/her name and passport number, and you will be good to go.
2. However, if you are planning to pass this over to someone else to help you prepare this, you may need to refer to their website for more information.
and click on the Single Status tab.
First, I walked in to the counter requesting for the form. From the website, it states that we are required to prepare a letter stating the purpose of this application, and also a Statutory Declaration. Don't worry, there are templates of these document prepared by the department which comes along with the form.
The letter is a simple letter where you will have to fill in your name and details, stating that you are applying this certificate for marriage oversea. As for the Statutory Declaration, after filling up the template, you will have to go to a Commissioner of Oath, which they have one in the building. Just go to the office and get the commissioner to sign this paper and you will be good to go. This cost me RM4, and it took less than 5 minutes to process.
Then with this letter stating your purpose of application, the Statutory Declaration and the form all filled up, all there is to be done is submit them and pay up RM5. The certificate will be ready within 10 minutes. As mentioned earlier that you will need some details of your future foreign spouse, like name and ID/passport number. They will state in the certificate that this certificate is applied to be used for the marriage with your spouse from which country, with the ID/passport number as given, so make sure you have the correct details.
I am indeed impressed with how fast this whole process can be, although there are some waiting and some running up and down, all in all, it's all pretty good.
So, one of the document required for my registration of marriage in Taiwan is the Single Status Certificate from Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN), Malaysia. For this, I went to JPN in Putrajaya.
Things to prepare for the application of the Single Status Certificate.
1. If you are doing this personally at Putrajaya (which is what I did), all you need to prepare is your IC, detail information of your spouse, which includes his/her name and passport number, and you will be good to go.
2. However, if you are planning to pass this over to someone else to help you prepare this, you may need to refer to their website for more information.
and click on the Single Status tab.
First, I walked in to the counter requesting for the form. From the website, it states that we are required to prepare a letter stating the purpose of this application, and also a Statutory Declaration. Don't worry, there are templates of these document prepared by the department which comes along with the form.
The letter is a simple letter where you will have to fill in your name and details, stating that you are applying this certificate for marriage oversea. As for the Statutory Declaration, after filling up the template, you will have to go to a Commissioner of Oath, which they have one in the building. Just go to the office and get the commissioner to sign this paper and you will be good to go. This cost me RM4, and it took less than 5 minutes to process.
Then with this letter stating your purpose of application, the Statutory Declaration and the form all filled up, all there is to be done is submit them and pay up RM5. The certificate will be ready within 10 minutes. As mentioned earlier that you will need some details of your future foreign spouse, like name and ID/passport number. They will state in the certificate that this certificate is applied to be used for the marriage with your spouse from which country, with the ID/passport number as given, so make sure you have the correct details.
I am indeed impressed with how fast this whole process can be, although there are some waiting and some running up and down, all in all, it's all pretty good.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
The Procrastinator
I had been a procrastinator at work ever since I resigned. I am sure of that cause I had not been doing anything productive here. And after reading this article in I confirmed myself to be a procrastinator.
I find this writer very interesting as he is able to describe out things that we know we are so well that after reading you will understand the state that you are in.
I can imagine the Dark Playground that the writer mentioned, I have the exact same playground in my mind, and it's actually not fun, as what he shared. We always thought that by doing so, we are actually enjoying ourselves, but once it's over, we are not much more happier than we expect we will be. Instead, sometimes we get disappointed as we failed to complete some tasks that we expected ourselves to complete within a time frame. More of the times, we will feel guilty for 'playing' around the Dark Playground, as said to be unearned leisure.
pro-cras-ti-na-tion |prəˌkrastəˈnāSHən, prō-|
the action of delaying or postponing something: your first tip is to avoid procrastination.
I find this writer very interesting as he is able to describe out things that we know we are so well that after reading you will understand the state that you are in.
I like the part where he describe that our Rational Decision-Maker owns a Instant Gratification Monkey who tends to take control of our minds, bringing us around wonderland before we actually start doing any work. Last time it used to be the fridge exercise, where we tend to open the fridge to check it out over and over again for what so ever reason. But nowadays we have Facebook, YouTube and Instagram to replace it.
I can imagine the Dark Playground that the writer mentioned, I have the exact same playground in my mind, and it's actually not fun, as what he shared. We always thought that by doing so, we are actually enjoying ourselves, but once it's over, we are not much more happier than we expect we will be. Instead, sometimes we get disappointed as we failed to complete some tasks that we expected ourselves to complete within a time frame. More of the times, we will feel guilty for 'playing' around the Dark Playground, as said to be unearned leisure.
And when I read about the Panic Monster and how the Instant Gratification Monkey is afraid of it, oooo... I can so relate to that. Reading that part reminds me on all the memories I had on rushing assignments on the last hour, studying for examination on the night before, rushing through the past year paper early in the morning before the examination. Gosh.. Brings back memories.
There is another article by the writer on how to beat procrastination.
pro-cras-ti-na-tion |prəˌkrastəˈnāSHən, prō-|
the action of ruining your own life for no apparent reason
The procrastinator is in the bad habit, bordering on addiction, of letting the monkey win. He continues to have the intention to control the monkey, but he puts forth a hapless effort, using the same proven-not-to-work methods he's used for years, and deep down, he knows the monkey will win. He vows to change, but the patterns just stay the same. So why would an otherwise capable person put forth such a lame and futile effort again and again?
The answer is that he has incredibly low confidence when it comes to this part of his life, allowing himself to become enslaved by a self-defeating, self-fulfilling prophecy.
A part which I liked on how the writer describes why a procrastinator's mind works the way it does.
How to beat procrastination:
1. Effective planning
This involves serious planning, and breaking you ideas into details, and start will steps. The writer pictured it in a way that procrastinators are visionaries who fantasize in building a house. However, for one to start building a house they will need to start will piling up the bricks one by one, day by day, without giving up, till the whole house is completed. This means that the objective of the plan may sound far more exciting compared to the actual procedure to start executing the steps to move towards achieving it. And the core of this plan is the bricks used to build the house. Hence, to start executing a plan, one should always start from the bricks, scheduling the tasks, draw down till the details of the each steps.
2. Doing
For me, I like planning, I can plan things out to the fine details, but when the start "doing" part hits, yes, my monkey will start to come out to play. The most important part here is "Get Started". This part is one of the hardest part as when we are about to start something hard, there are so many distractions around us, so many "fun" things to do. After getting started, we will come to the part where we have to continue on with the project to work till it is completed. This part is where distractions starts to look so tempting, especially when you encounter a problem and you need to Google the solution out, and hey, Facebook is just a click away. This is the part which I always end up getting stuck in. And the writer shares that, we have to be strong, and
making progress in the task will help us stay focus on the task that we are involved in as it raises our self-esteem. At the point that you are about to complete your task, you will feel a positive drive in you which motivates you in completing your task. There are times when you reach a point, feeling that your task is actually more fun and interesting compared to the leisure activities that you were involved in. However, once you reach this stage, it is not permanent, you will fall back to procrastinating if one do not have persistence.
I need to show myself that I can do it.
I like what the writer had shared, it's personal and easy to be related to myself. Like what he said,
Because defeating procrastination is the same thing as gaining control over your own life. So much of what makes people happy or unhappy—their level of fulfillment and satisfaction, their self-esteem, the regrets they carry with them, the amount of free time they have to dedicate to their relationships—is severely affected by procrastination. So it's worthy of being taken dead seriously, and the time to start improving is now.
Have to start now..!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Serving the Notice
It's has been a long two months, one more month to go.
Yes, I am serving a three month notice with my current employer after resigning, and these two months were the slowest and longest two months ever. Why? Because everyday I have to come into office, looking at my boss' annoying face, (annoying is not even close to describe that face) and hoping that it will be 5.30pm soon. Ever since I had resigned, my boss had been horrible. He started to show his true colour which not anywhere near beautiful. He had been harassing me on work, giving me unnecessary stress, threathening me, and most important of all, demotivating me. I had not been working for a long time, but he is indeed someone I truly hope that I will not meet any other in my life, especially as my superior. He was seriously a big pain in the ass.
Well, enough with the angry news, during my notice period, I got to know more about my colleagues, weird right? You only start to get close with your colleagues when you are leaving.
And yes, we are moving in the next month, meaning I will be serving my last month's notice in the new building, which is pretty good as I will have a brand new cubical and environment. Just too bad that it does not mean I will have a new boss. Hmm...
Oh ya, just got to know that there will be two bosses leaving the organisation, I have to be honest here, I don't have any emotions inside, but looking at other colleagues tearing when they heard the news just makes me wonder, am I a cold-blooded b*tch? Gosh.. I am sorry that they are leaving, but I seriously don't share the same feelings. All the feeling that I have inside is, I am happy for them, new chapter in life is really something exciting.
So, one more month to go..
Yes, I am serving a three month notice with my current employer after resigning, and these two months were the slowest and longest two months ever. Why? Because everyday I have to come into office, looking at my boss' annoying face, (annoying is not even close to describe that face) and hoping that it will be 5.30pm soon. Ever since I had resigned, my boss had been horrible. He started to show his true colour which not anywhere near beautiful. He had been harassing me on work, giving me unnecessary stress, threathening me, and most important of all, demotivating me. I had not been working for a long time, but he is indeed someone I truly hope that I will not meet any other in my life, especially as my superior. He was seriously a big pain in the ass.
Well, enough with the angry news, during my notice period, I got to know more about my colleagues, weird right? You only start to get close with your colleagues when you are leaving.
And yes, we are moving in the next month, meaning I will be serving my last month's notice in the new building, which is pretty good as I will have a brand new cubical and environment. Just too bad that it does not mean I will have a new boss. Hmm...
Oh ya, just got to know that there will be two bosses leaving the organisation, I have to be honest here, I don't have any emotions inside, but looking at other colleagues tearing when they heard the news just makes me wonder, am I a cold-blooded b*tch? Gosh.. I am sorry that they are leaving, but I seriously don't share the same feelings. All the feeling that I have inside is, I am happy for them, new chapter in life is really something exciting.
So, one more month to go..
Friday, August 30, 2013
A Big Decision to Make
Had been working for CIMB Bank for like three years plus now, almost four. I had been going through whether to stay or leave the organisation as I did not LOVE my job so so much. I hanged on as the people here are nice and knowledgeable and most importantly, they are willing to teach and help you along the way, making sure that you know that you are not alone in this.
But then, the department went through a restructuring, and I volunteered to be placed in another team, thinking that it would be nice to have a different exposure. Well, I was not wrong, I indeed had my different exposure, along with it came different colleagues with different personality, not to mention different boss. All in all, I did not really like the new exposure as much. So, I think it would be a great time to make some important decisions.
To top that up, my dad wanted me to go back to help him out at work. He had been asking for quite some time now, so I figured, now may be a good time to decide to go back to help out whatever I could, before I actually get married. This way, I get to spend more time with my parents and I get to help them out.
After this decision is made, there will be a lot of changes to come. One thing for sure is that, I won't be able to attend my club's meeting as often, or better worded, ever, since it's on a weekday. But I sure hope to stay on and help out at projects during the weekends.
So... It's time for the decision to be made..
But then, the department went through a restructuring, and I volunteered to be placed in another team, thinking that it would be nice to have a different exposure. Well, I was not wrong, I indeed had my different exposure, along with it came different colleagues with different personality, not to mention different boss. All in all, I did not really like the new exposure as much. So, I think it would be a great time to make some important decisions.
To top that up, my dad wanted me to go back to help him out at work. He had been asking for quite some time now, so I figured, now may be a good time to decide to go back to help out whatever I could, before I actually get married. This way, I get to spend more time with my parents and I get to help them out.
After this decision is made, there will be a lot of changes to come. One thing for sure is that, I won't be able to attend my club's meeting as often, or better worded, ever, since it's on a weekday. But I sure hope to stay on and help out at projects during the weekends.
So... It's time for the decision to be made..
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Saying Goodbye
I have a colleague whose doggie is sick and can't walk anymore as there was a back injury. She shared with us that her doggie seemed so sad as he can't walk and he can't pee properly anymore, causing him to have urine burns.
It was hard hearted for her to say, but the family had decided to put him to sleep and release him from the current pain he is going through. I have a dog myself whom I love and cherish a lot, I know how hard is it for an owner to make this decision.
And I read this from some where, thinking of sharing this as it is so touching.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
It was hard hearted for her to say, but the family had decided to put him to sleep and release him from the current pain he is going through. I have a dog myself whom I love and cherish a lot, I know how hard is it for an owner to make this decision.
And I read this from some where, thinking of sharing this as it is so touching.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Informing The Parents
I was proposed to by my boy friend when I was visiting him early August, where he proposed to me at a casual lunch out with friends. I was a great surprised, and was touched as he did so much preparation for my birthday video and organizing everything to ensure it was a huge surprise.
So after the proposal, when I got home, (finally had wifi) my phone was blasting with congratulatory notes from friends and family. My mum had the most epic message for me, "Why didn't you inform me of thing?" I was like, I was surprised myself? My sister on the other hand, was thrilled, as this is her bright and honorary moment to become the bride's maid. I know my parents were just concern as they don't really know my fiance that well. But, I really do not know how to answer that very simple question.
The moment of truth, heading back home to face my parents. Well, to be frank, it was not that bad, especially my dad. He said he will not object, just that he would like to know more about things, things about Ice and his family, his career, his future plans, more like getting to know him. As for my mum, she is still mad about her not being the first on earth to know. (Gosh..!) But she is still all good with it. ^^
So, let's see how the planning of the wedding will go then. Looking through processes and documentations for ROM (not a simple task) and making sure the facts we gathered are accurate.
Still a long way to go, but I am glad I have you with me all the way. ^^
So after the proposal, when I got home, (finally had wifi) my phone was blasting with congratulatory notes from friends and family. My mum had the most epic message for me, "Why didn't you inform me of thing?" I was like, I was surprised myself? My sister on the other hand, was thrilled, as this is her bright and honorary moment to become the bride's maid. I know my parents were just concern as they don't really know my fiance that well. But, I really do not know how to answer that very simple question.
The moment of truth, heading back home to face my parents. Well, to be frank, it was not that bad, especially my dad. He said he will not object, just that he would like to know more about things, things about Ice and his family, his career, his future plans, more like getting to know him. As for my mum, she is still mad about her not being the first on earth to know. (Gosh..!) But she is still all good with it. ^^
So, let's see how the planning of the wedding will go then. Looking through processes and documentations for ROM (not a simple task) and making sure the facts we gathered are accurate.
Still a long way to go, but I am glad I have you with me all the way. ^^
Monday, August 19, 2013
The Proposal
It was a trip to Kaohsiung over Hari Raya, where we will have a long weekend of 4 days.
At my arrival, after going through immigration and luggage pick up, Ice is still no where to be found. He was late from work. So I waited at the waiting area.
Suddenly, someone tapped on my shoulder.. Ice.. carrying a huge bag with a plastic bag sticking out. So the normal reaction would be, what do you have there? Then he started complaining why did I spoil the surprise? Err.. It's obvious..!!
He got me flowers, very sweet of him. ^^
And that's why he was late.
On Saturday, Ice informed me that we will be having lunch with some friends. I was like ok. Then all of a sudden, Ice said he want to bring out his PC to play a video, it was a video he compiled for my birthday with all the wishes he collected from friends. ^^
Then he continued the video with some pictures of both of us. After the video is completed, his friend started to record, asking him to share his feelings. Ice shared that he is happy and thankful that I am with him in a long distance relationship. He kneel down, with a box in his hand, and a bouquet of flowers came from behind. He proposed to me. I did not expected this, I was stunned. I said yes, of course. ^^
So, besides the proposal, we celebrated my birthday as well. For the first time, I have candles which states your age clearly.
Thank you darling for everything, for arranging everything and planning everything.
We went to the bookstore on the day before I depart back to Malaysia, and we saw this comic which is s cute and adorable. It's a comic about this guy going through planning the proposal, preparation for the wedding, and also things to take care for during the wedding ceremony. And of course, the honeymoon. It is an enjoyable comic and informative too.
Love you darling. Will always love you.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Slide Share
Today my colleague introduce to me to Slide Share and I loved it, it was love at first sight.
I shared one slide which I personally find it interesting.
I shared one slide which I personally find it interesting.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Alien Hive
Whee... Recently I had been quite occupied with this game called Alien Hive. It's an addictive and brain draining game. One wrong move, and your whole strategy will go kaputt..
What is even more exciting is that, this is a game developed locally, Appxplore Sdn Bhd, impressive. Love the graphics, great background music.
One of my highest score, three aliens formed in a game. Working hard to get more. ^^
One of my highest score, three aliens formed in a game. Working hard to get more. ^^
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
An Improvement in Our Future Relationship
Had this mind tickling talk about relationships with a friend of mine over dinner, mostly on how a female tends to revolve their world around their boyfriends.
Some scenarios as the girl played out:
1. Dinner. It's a regular weekday, and a girl friend calls you out for dinner. And, I as the girl, who had nothing much to do after work today would probably say yes. Then, when I am about to finish work and preparing myself for the dinner, my boyfriend texted me, asking whether would I like to have dinner with him.
So, what am I suppose to do?
Option A:
Being a loving girl friend, I would surely tell my boyfriend ya, we can have dinner tonight. And then I would call my friend saying that my boyfriend asked me out for dinner and it's been a week since I last saw him, so maybe we can have dinner some other time?
Option B:
I would ask my boyfriend what time would he be free for dinner. And if the time is late and I would be able to attend both dinner, I would have two dinners for the night. However, for this, during the dinner with my girl friend, I would be rushing and all, not wanting to be late.
Option C:
I would call off my boyfriend, telling him that I have a dinner date with my girlfriend.
It's pretty obvious that most of us have a higher tendency of picking Option A and B, Option C would be at the back of our heads.
However, if we swap the scenario, ie. your boyfriend is going to have dinner with his friends, and you called him up for dinner, what kind of response will you get? Most probably is that he would tell you up front that he is going out with the guys and it will be late. The second possibility would be he would tell you that he is going out with the guys, and I could join them if I want to. And the least possible one, he would call off the dinner with his friend and join you for dinner.
What do we see from this? The priority is a total inverse of one another. Girls do tend to give their boyfriends full priority.
2. Gym. Assuming that I am a gym kind of person, I like going to the gym on, and especially love going to the gym on Saturday morning. However, my boyfriend likes hanging out on Friday nights, having dinners with friends, catching up and chilling at a bar till late. He said you to join him on Friday nights, as that's what he loves doing. He would say that I can go for gym on the weekdays or some other days.
Option A:
I will go out with him, hang out with him till late, enjoy the night and have fun, his way. I mean, in a way, I get to be with him. In the next morning, I won't be able to get up early for my favorite pass time, gym, ie. giving up things that I like doing.
Option B:
I will hang out with him and still wake up in the morning with the hang over and all to make my way to the gym.
Option C:
I will tell him no, as I feel like going to the gym on Saturday morning and I don't want to miss it.
Ok, this one is pretty obvious, written in priority order, the last one being most unlikely. However, let's say we turn the coin around, I'm the one who like Friday nights, and he is the one who likes Saturday mornings. I am pretty sure the priority order will be the other way round.
We did talked about many more other scenarios, like the one where he did not reply to your texts and you got all thinking what is he doing, why is he not replying to my texts, is he angry with me. But the other way round, guys don't think that way.
We look back to the time when this relationship had not even exist, as a girl, you would have a life that you enjoyed, hanging out with your girl friends, going shopping, karaoke, movies. But once you are in a relationship, do you notice that you don't really do all these as often anymore, some even non. Why? Our mentality will revolve around the guy, when friends ask you out, you will start making excuses to refuse them just because you want to make time for your boyfriend, or in case he has time for you. One of the most absurd reason, I am scare my boyfriend will be angry of me, or he won't be happy if I were to go out so often.
For a guy, once they got in a relationship, life just goes on like business as usual. He will still go out watching football with his pals, hanging out, chilling with friends and all. And their best move, the moment that they actually starts spending time with you, they make it sound like they made so much sacrifices and all just to be with you, but in actual fact he was just so happen free and his friends were occupied, or there's this movie his buddies had watched.
I might be wrong in the statements made above, or you may even say I am bias, well, I'm sorry, I'm a girl. But most of them are true, for me. There is this imbalance in priority in our relationships, and my personal opinion is that this may cause the failure of a relationship.
Imagine this, before the relationship, you as a girl, had a life, you are cheerful, had friends around, you did crazy things and all. You had a life and you are an interesting and fun person to be with. But once you walked into a relationship, things changed, you don't hang out with friends that often, you don't do as much things as you usually do. You only have your close friends, your family, your work and your boyfriend. This is when things will start to get crucial. You are not the same person as you were before the relationship anymore, the person the guy fell for. And right now, I won't blame him.
So, as stated in FRM Part I: Foundation of Risk Management, the problem had been identified and assessed. The next step would be to treat the risk, which would be another dinner on another night. But for a guide, we have to make moderate decisions, indifferent from how we treat our close friends, well, maybe a little different, but just not too much.
We must be able to be ourselves, live our lives, just the way we did before we jumped into this relationship, future relationship.
Some scenarios as the girl played out:
1. Dinner. It's a regular weekday, and a girl friend calls you out for dinner. And, I as the girl, who had nothing much to do after work today would probably say yes. Then, when I am about to finish work and preparing myself for the dinner, my boyfriend texted me, asking whether would I like to have dinner with him.
So, what am I suppose to do?
Option A:
Being a loving girl friend, I would surely tell my boyfriend ya, we can have dinner tonight. And then I would call my friend saying that my boyfriend asked me out for dinner and it's been a week since I last saw him, so maybe we can have dinner some other time?
Option B:
I would ask my boyfriend what time would he be free for dinner. And if the time is late and I would be able to attend both dinner, I would have two dinners for the night. However, for this, during the dinner with my girl friend, I would be rushing and all, not wanting to be late.
Option C:
I would call off my boyfriend, telling him that I have a dinner date with my girlfriend.
It's pretty obvious that most of us have a higher tendency of picking Option A and B, Option C would be at the back of our heads.
However, if we swap the scenario, ie. your boyfriend is going to have dinner with his friends, and you called him up for dinner, what kind of response will you get? Most probably is that he would tell you up front that he is going out with the guys and it will be late. The second possibility would be he would tell you that he is going out with the guys, and I could join them if I want to. And the least possible one, he would call off the dinner with his friend and join you for dinner.
What do we see from this? The priority is a total inverse of one another. Girls do tend to give their boyfriends full priority.
2. Gym. Assuming that I am a gym kind of person, I like going to the gym on, and especially love going to the gym on Saturday morning. However, my boyfriend likes hanging out on Friday nights, having dinners with friends, catching up and chilling at a bar till late. He said you to join him on Friday nights, as that's what he loves doing. He would say that I can go for gym on the weekdays or some other days.
Option A:
I will go out with him, hang out with him till late, enjoy the night and have fun, his way. I mean, in a way, I get to be with him. In the next morning, I won't be able to get up early for my favorite pass time, gym, ie. giving up things that I like doing.
Option B:
I will hang out with him and still wake up in the morning with the hang over and all to make my way to the gym.
Option C:
I will tell him no, as I feel like going to the gym on Saturday morning and I don't want to miss it.
Ok, this one is pretty obvious, written in priority order, the last one being most unlikely. However, let's say we turn the coin around, I'm the one who like Friday nights, and he is the one who likes Saturday mornings. I am pretty sure the priority order will be the other way round.
We did talked about many more other scenarios, like the one where he did not reply to your texts and you got all thinking what is he doing, why is he not replying to my texts, is he angry with me. But the other way round, guys don't think that way.
We look back to the time when this relationship had not even exist, as a girl, you would have a life that you enjoyed, hanging out with your girl friends, going shopping, karaoke, movies. But once you are in a relationship, do you notice that you don't really do all these as often anymore, some even non. Why? Our mentality will revolve around the guy, when friends ask you out, you will start making excuses to refuse them just because you want to make time for your boyfriend, or in case he has time for you. One of the most absurd reason, I am scare my boyfriend will be angry of me, or he won't be happy if I were to go out so often.
For a guy, once they got in a relationship, life just goes on like business as usual. He will still go out watching football with his pals, hanging out, chilling with friends and all. And their best move, the moment that they actually starts spending time with you, they make it sound like they made so much sacrifices and all just to be with you, but in actual fact he was just so happen free and his friends were occupied, or there's this movie his buddies had watched.
I might be wrong in the statements made above, or you may even say I am bias, well, I'm sorry, I'm a girl. But most of them are true, for me. There is this imbalance in priority in our relationships, and my personal opinion is that this may cause the failure of a relationship.
Imagine this, before the relationship, you as a girl, had a life, you are cheerful, had friends around, you did crazy things and all. You had a life and you are an interesting and fun person to be with. But once you walked into a relationship, things changed, you don't hang out with friends that often, you don't do as much things as you usually do. You only have your close friends, your family, your work and your boyfriend. This is when things will start to get crucial. You are not the same person as you were before the relationship anymore, the person the guy fell for. And right now, I won't blame him.
So, as stated in FRM Part I: Foundation of Risk Management, the problem had been identified and assessed. The next step would be to treat the risk, which would be another dinner on another night. But for a guide, we have to make moderate decisions, indifferent from how we treat our close friends, well, maybe a little different, but just not too much.
We must be able to be ourselves, live our lives, just the way we did before we jumped into this relationship, future relationship.
Friday, January 11, 2013
The Year 2013
Finally I have the time to write, slightly have the time I would say.
The year 2013, an exciting year for me. As after 2013 end, there might just be a huge change awaiting me in 2014.
Back to 2013, a year fully planned. Some things I would like to achieve this year, and praying hard for all the blessings to make it work out.
1. Complete my FRM Part I and II
2. Apply for Korea University PhD and hopefully gets it
3. Travel to Japan, Bali, Taiwan
4. Give more to Rotaract, to the community
5. Continue on running, hopefully attend an international run
6. Perform in my work
7. Change in environment, lifestyle towards the end of the year
And to start 2014, hopefully I could spend one month traveling around New Zealand, before heading to Korea. (*fingers crossed*)
So, it's nothing too fancy, just some things I would really like to achieve in my life, and this seems to be the stage to make them happen. ^^
The year 2013, an exciting year for me. As after 2013 end, there might just be a huge change awaiting me in 2014.
Back to 2013, a year fully planned. Some things I would like to achieve this year, and praying hard for all the blessings to make it work out.
1. Complete my FRM Part I and II
2. Apply for Korea University PhD and hopefully gets it
3. Travel to Japan, Bali, Taiwan
4. Give more to Rotaract, to the community
5. Continue on running, hopefully attend an international run
6. Perform in my work
7. Change in environment, lifestyle towards the end of the year
And to start 2014, hopefully I could spend one month traveling around New Zealand, before heading to Korea. (*fingers crossed*)
So, it's nothing too fancy, just some things I would really like to achieve in my life, and this seems to be the stage to make them happen. ^^
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