Saturday, June 4, 2011

Birthday Present

Back at home in Seremban at last. It's the kind of relief feeling that makes me miss home so much. Felt so homey all of a sudden.

On my way out to get lunch, I passed by a shop selling toys, yes the type of toys which we usually have when we were younger. They had those Ultraman, cheap Barbie dolls, plastic cooking utensils, fuh.. The sudden urge of nolstagic just flow in. This shop was filled with the toys that we used to play when we were kids. It's nothing like the ones from Toys R' Us, these were the ones which I grew up with. Wow.. And it felt awesome knowing that they were still available in the market.

Walked around the shop admiring at all the toys. Gosh.. How I wish I was still a child, playing with toys, seriously don't need to worry about a thing in life. Awesome..!!

Since I was here, and I am going to attend a friend's daughter birthday party this Sunday, hey.. Might as well get her daughter a toy. I felt like getting her everything (so that I will be able to play with her during the party ^^''). I really do not know which to get her, so I did what the usual people would do, I ask the shopkeeper which toy would he recommend for a one year old girl. He showed me a few and analysing why should I get this toy for a one year old. Wow.. He is actually honest and telling me not to get the ones which are expensive as one year olds will only eventually destroy the toy. Honesty is always a good policy in business. I would definitely come back again.

So I got her this little Hannah Montana telephone with all sort of buttons and colour lights. Cool..

A another nostalgic afternoon back at hometown, in another random toy shop made my Saturday felt a little bit more better.

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